
Monster Beats madam we meeteach

The world chapter 277 again meet a flower flower
The east city gathers sea to go people of the past's tide in the cabinet shop to hustle.This cabinet shop's making a deposit the news of beneficial interest has already been Chang-an getting abroad, on connecting for several days, row in the day before yesterday sky in the cabinet shop has a long brigade and carry money of the ox cart even block transportation, the innumerable rushed through from the all directions of the businessman and common people all vie with each other in depositing money into this cabinet shop, this grand occasion had been continuing till yesterday, and famous Wang Bao in the capital city records a cabinet shop to finally can not hold against the pressure of running on a bank copper money and declares that it also starts making a deposit to account an interest.
Wang Bao recorded beginning, the rest hesitated of each cabinet shop also follow in succession and practice a new way in succession and make a deposit to give certain interest and originally make a deposit a charge, now but turn over, made a deposit to sell at a loss, by so doing, the profits of each cabinet shop will significantly lower and gather sea to go the enemy of many Shis.
Li Qing An then arrived at east city early in the morning, he wanted to personally have a look a circulating of money circumstance.
"Great commander soldier, you say to celebrate a king really drive send Anne west?"Road up, his close soldier in win some misgiving grounds to ask way..
"No matter who go, in fact all similar to us."
Li Qing An sees him a full face a misgiving.Then ask a tiny smile way:"You need not worry so many, so-called strive for a matter at the person, accomplish anything on sky."
"But, the prince goes to Anne west, inevitable meeting the power of the Duo great commander soldier, even if can not seize the power, they will also the Che elbow great commander soldier, this was like to put a sand in rice, the with intention to makes us eat not good."
"You didn't want to take care of that sand to go, you had to see, originally imperial government gives us one small bowl of rice, can give now a , can make us eat satisfied, in fact put a few sands also good, also don't need us to eat too quickly, choke."
Simultaneously say, they then arrived at the east city doorway and from afar and then saw gather sea to go doorway a raging river of cars and trucks, business abnormality fierce.
Li Qing An appears in public tide to hustle, he orders to say with smile:"The business is quite good!"
"Great commander soldier, do we want to go in and see?"
"Since came, certainly need to go, get in by the back door into."
A group of people entered a cabinet shop from the back door, the cabinet shop covered foot to contain more than ten acres, cent 2 F in the ground, underground 1 F, have the waiter clerk more than 20 personses.If there are also 50 escort, , moreover, there is still in the back yard pigeon building, specialized someone keeps carrier pigeon.
BE getting into a hot dispute inside the cabinet shop at the moment, the waiters a little bit pure copper money, pack money to go into a cabinet, then send to an underground warehouse, Be already responsible for making a deposit, Be already responsible for lending money, have specialized bookkeeping, have already given an itemized listed of to fly money, the shopkeeper outside rushes favour in Li Yun Feng, eyes cook get is red, the voices all shout dumb.
"Shopkeeper Lee, the great commander soldier came."
Someone shouted a , Li Yun Feng formerly the set ran out and hurriedly saluted a way:"Great commander soldier, today how come?"
"I come to understand a circumstance."
"Good!Great commander soldier sit in house, please."
Li Yun Feng just come in Li Qing An building, poured one cup tea for him, took an account book back again.
"Great commander soldier, the cabinet shop of thing two cities from start practice up to now.Already the total amount absorbs to save 500,000 a Guan copper money, put money 30,000 Guans, our underground database buildings have already put quickly full, prepare to transfer hot sea to reside money database."
"Underground database building not is put 1,000,000 Guan moneys?How are 500,000 Guans getting fuller?"
"The great commander soldier hasn't to know, these just make a deposit, there is moreover also money exchanging, that is also the big head."
"The money exchanges that now how is circumstance?" Li Qing An concerns most of is still a money, this relates to west to his Anne of prospect.
"The money exchanges very good, in fact have already started exchanging gold and silver in the black market, only chase its publication just now, the money is easy and convenient to easily take, really popular, the official price is 1-100 texts, but I hear that the black market price has already exchanged to 110 texts and slightly has been already descended for these two days, is 105 texts, our 6,000 Guan moneys after just sending to, be then exchanged 3,000 Guans on the first day, this is this is 300,000 Guan copper money!"
"What about that money?Does someone exchange?"
"Money isn't very good, a money exchanges consistent, after all the price is too high, the common run of people all exchange money, our 100 Guan moneys, has exchanged to go out 15 Guans, mostly been expensive to exchange to fondle, heard that many stores still refuse money up to now, accepts money."
Make reference to this, the life person of Li Yun Feng takes to a money and arranges to put one by one to say with smile on the table:"Great commander soldier see, please.These moneys are each to have a dissimilarity."
Li Qing had interest and hurriedly gathered together to come forward to scrutinize while settling down, from the outward appearance with half an eye, these moneys all about, all is a die casts of open a dollar treasure money, can if scrutinize, then can these moneys really have a dissimilarity, is face to face all similar, open a dollar treasure now 4 belong to a book word, but then the back is different, Anne west the money back has Anne west the Jian Zhu is four small words, and imperial government then star month etc. wood grain, but is a courtly money to also have a dissimilarity and have very norm, do work also very beautiful, but also have a few meat with obvious money thin quantity light, do work coarseness.
"The great commander soldier also discovered!Someone at Zhu private money, cheat on labor and material, this a few money are private to cast, very obvious content shortage, I doubt to have cupronickel in the Chan."
Li Qing An pickeds up a few private Zhu moneys, indeed as expected the hand is different, the meat is thin and over-emphasizes.The density of silver is lighter than copper, the words like this really possible Chan has cupronickel.
Unexpectedly and so quick false money, Li Qing An suddenly realized a serious problem, if allow private Zhu of money, affirmation will someone take advantage of an opportunity to cast leave currency, money of the copper was worth of before small, influence not big, can money dissimilarity, a false silver coin can let people lose miserably heavy, the prestige influence money thus, finally make the people no longer believe money.At that time loss most miserably heavy of be still Anne west.
See to have to obstruct person private Zhu money with the harshest penal code, can if is an expensive private power Zhu, will the penal code be useful?Those Wang nobilities all have a great deal of gold and silver, they for making the gold and silver of great value, certainly private cast into money, but in the process of casting in, they will the honest foot silver cast?Probably someone meeting, but great majority person all can't, by all means is metal that the Chan is different from to reap staggering profits, even if Anne's west doesn't cheat, but cast false Anne is western money is easily also similar, Li Gui kicks out Li Kui by that time, his Anne the money of the west who dare to also use.
How does that make people can not cook up?Li Qing An suddenly thought of the Yuan of future generations big head and kneaded with the nail, fierce the side blowing and putting ear for a while listen to, be to regard as ring, this is the good dollar, this is the silver this kind of metal of characteristic, almost can not cook up, why he must cast and open a dollar treasure money, but don't build to blow ring of Anne west dollar?As for technique, he believes the craftsman of tang dynasty is under the rich reward, can definitely solve.
Thought of this, he immediately to Li Yun Feng's way:"The money temporarily don't exchange, I want to deliver an express letter to arrive Anne west."
Li Yun Feng doesn't dare to neglect and immediately takes to the thin pen and the yarn Juan, Li Qing An slightly on pondering, then wrote a pigeon letter, on an official seal of En, in book the thin tube-shaped container that is good to put in the red, hand over to Li Yun Feng the way:"Immediately send a person to send hot sea to reside, send into Anne with the pigeon letter west."
Li Yun Feng immediately looked for person to do, Li Qing An was also not intentional to stroll east again city, he gave repeated advice to several Li Yun Feng again, then cabinet shop.
He just a come out workshop, then a middle age man faced to come up.[Is strange ·book ·net]"great commander soldier, lord in the east of my house has been already pleased!"
"The east of your house is the lord who?"
Man to distance a , "my house's eastern lord right there."
Li Qing An is agreeable he the finger direction hope to go, sees doorway in the cabinet shop in Yang Ji stand a women, dress beautifully dressed, bewitchingly beautiful abnormality, but is it the willow catkin flower that is who?
She sees Li Qing where see her, not from stood pretty towering breast, her good-looking face Yang get up, she is also to come to inspect a cabinet shop today, but at the right moment saw Li Qing An.
Li Qing An smiled to smile and then walked to come forward a way:"Life where not and mutually meet, madam, we meeteach other again."
The willow catkin flower bit one lower lip, this Lee celebrated to nestle however as if nothing has occurredly walked to her in front, as if nothing has occurred, the past affair, past boon gratitude and grudge resent, true of once blew like breeze, don't take one silk trace?The willow catkin spends to suddenly have a little a sorrow in the heart, she would rather Li Qing An is an angry countenance all over the face to be walked, there is still in his heart at least his own shadow, can now, his taste's imitating a Buddha is seeing a stranger person.
She hid feelings of she's heart, the sweet girlish voice said with smile:"I want to invite great commander Lee's soldier to have a meal, don't know if there is this honor or not?"
"Three madams invite me to have a meal, should be my Li Qing An's honor just to, guest with the lord is then."
The willow catkin flower points at 100 a wine shops of outsides, "that good, before have a beard Ji wine shop, let's have lunch to there!"
"The madam pleases!"
More than ten servant girls and attendant escort willow catkin to spend to walk toward the wine shop to, Li Qing An also turns over a horse of body and takes more than 20 attendants before arriving at wine shop, he turns over a body to dismount, the title tooks a look ensign Fan, sees wine ensign Fan up write'that'three words.
Li Qing An smiled, he knew, this is the Su of small history country person especially open.
"Welcome guest to a my store!"
The shopkeeper is also a Su the person can say especially one mouthful fluently Chinese language, he sees the willow catkin flower and Li Qing An a 2 people servant numerous, the vehemence is extraordinary, then know to come to magnate, and he hurriedly faced out in person.
"The madam asks the second floors to sit, the second floor calmness elegance, will definitely make the madam satisfied."
The willow catkin spends tiny tiny on smiling, point at Li Qing An to say with smile:"Who is your knowing him ?He is your Anne the lord of the west."
Shopkeeper eyes stared a circle a while, stammer way:"Guest..is great commander Lee's soldier?"
Li Qing An glimpses a willow catkin flower, she incredibly says the lord of west of own Anne, with concealed intentions!He then smiled to smile and used a Turkic language way:"At will at 1:00, don't too enthusiasm."
The shopkeeper is one Zheng, immediately smile apologetically a way:"BE!BE!Great commander soldier, the upstairs please, madam's upstairs please!"
The attendants all have a meal in the down stairs, only four close soldiers follow behind to go upstairs, in the one station of Ya Shi doorway, Ku knife but sign, prohibit anyone to bother, Li Qing An walks into room and see set out in house very elegant, he not from order, sat down.
"The madam Pleases sit down!"
The willow catkin spends Ying Ying to sit down and curiously asks a way:"Just what do you say for him?I don't understand."
Li Qing An ha ha a say with smile:"I say for him, this is the Guo country madam, world second beauty, be good friends with to wait upon so much."
"You lie!"
The willow catkin flower says with smile:"You if really say like this, he will definitely see my several more eyes, can this non-Han nationalities to start into eventually don't see my one eye, your affirmation is saying me."
Although words say like this, the willow catkin flower listens to Li Qing An call that she is a world a second beauty, in the heart how much a bit uncomfortable, her of course not is to think be first beauty, but Li Qing An lines up her after jade bracelet, she doesn't like that the other people compare her and jade bracelet most .
"How, call you isn't the second beauty happy?"Li Qing An saw one silk chagrin in the her eyes.
"Have no happy not happy, I have already been getting older, youth no longer, where dare also'world'two words."
The willow catkin spends a mood dreary come down, though she maintains very good, her canthus still appeared severals carefully crease, also had no on the face old-world sheen and flexibility, seem to be a bit flabby with dry, for covering up this kind of variety,Monster Beats, always all is vegetable noodles toward sky of she also has cosmetics.
She secretly sighed tone and started to carry the wine pot poured one cup for oneself, the one mouthful drank, shamelessly a say with smile:"Did not general Lee discover my variety?"
The tone of the sort that Li Qing An is tiny to owe a body, use diplomatic language says with smile:"The madam compares formerly more beautiful."
"I prohibit you to talk like this to me!"
On the face that the willow catkin spends such as Ning 1 F cold frost, she is cold to Li Qing Ans' ways:"You I ain't a friend is a personal enemy, can't have the third probably, can't even have you to like this and boringly aggrandize, if you forgot, I remind you, I wanted to make you do my man in those early years, you refused, so the disaster of jail that woulded have you, formerly is so, in the future is also so?"
Li Qing's amount of safety hit begins medium wine cup, light way:"Why say to is the man who makes me do you, not say to make you do my woman, our antinomies lie in this."
"Seven Langs, if would I like to be your woman now?"The voice that the willow catkin spends suddenly has some to shiver.
"Why do three madams want to make it lively for they?"
Li Qing An lightly a sigh a way:"You are a Guo country madam, your existence is to walk alone to sign especially, you don't depend on any men, the matter that wants to do you like to do is regardless that your calculations is vicious, still you dissolute unruly, all of that are your personality of willow catkin flower, if you is my Li Qing An's woman, you isn't a willow catkin to spend, same, my Li Qing An's man's natural character is that the gratitude and grudge is clear, you once presented bow in me, I recorded boon up to now:But you once was framed up to me as well and let me addicted to a jail, I was also similar to record enemy till now, I recorded boon, so I couldn't make reprisals you, so I will follow you to have a meal, but because record enemy, I also ain't likely to accept you again, madam, are you understand?"
The willow catkin flower stared at Li Qing An's a long time and peeped out complicated facial expression in the eye, she the sudden Jiao smile a , poured one cup wine for oneself again, long way:"I however is to sound out you, do you think that I really am your woman?You dream!Unless I hide a knife, when your fascination is the thickest, I one haft you killed and let you died under my pomegranate skirt of willow catkin flower, Li Qi Lang, do you know?This dream I once did more than once, I am to how hope earnestly this dream can become reality."
Li Qing An squinted a small and soft article wine, say with smile:"The dead in pomegranate skirt, does ghost also romantic, can die under three madams' pomegranate skirts, is also my Li Qing An's dream, only wish it becomes reality."
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