
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM oot dissatisfied foo

, The black Huan person doesn't dare to go down south."
The method no longer talks after being listenning to.
The Gu Xu life is cool in the west, a western cool native person, know the hardships that side fills.However, he since the childhood at governor of benefit big, don't understand a circumstance, then no longer answered criticism Gu Xu.
Zhao Yun sees toward the Gu Xu and ask a way;"Text and Sir, you feel how assign a task?"
In fact, Zhao Yun is to agree the viewpoint of Gu Xu.
The Gu Xu says:"Son general dragon, chase Huang Zhong, full Dian, Chen arrival, we assign a concrete task again."
Zhao Yun immediately delivers an order, let yellow, the Dian is full with Chen to rushed through to come over.
The Gu Xu saw eye 3 people and said:"Is this time and black Huan belligerence, adhere to I say in times before of, the soldier divides two roads, the black Huan person's main force is attracted to the battalion, even want to destroy the black Huan person's main force, take down a black Huan leader Ta.This road battalion and deal with the time of the Hou 惇 in summer similar, has the help that the Zhong reaches again, be good enough to deal with black Huan person.I take Dian full and Huang Zhong, lead thorough Liao of 3,000 hussars east, right Beiping, assault the black Huan person's old nest."
Zhao Yun sinks a voice to say:"Text and Sir, you still leave."
The Gu Xu says:"I have to go, this is also my wish.There are no food grass and reinforcement, but this time send army to keep a war by war behind, walk to where, kill where, need not be worried about the problem of food grass."
Zhao Yun nods a way:"Since is such, do according to the plan of the text and the Sir."
The Dian is full to rub to rub a hand, said:"Mr. Gu, you but pick a rightness person.The end will kill to go into a black Huan person and definitely let two handle the big hammer dye a full blood and kill his to turn everything upside down."Gleam to chilly kill an idea in the Dian eyeful, very anxious to kill to the utmost black Huan of person.Taking charge of Ma Yi to looking at Dian is full, thoughted of Zhao Hong, pottery Mang and summer Hou 惇's miserable sight, cannot helped but swallowing spittle, this fellow too violence.
Huang Zhong is very eager to have a try, also a hand Yang.
Killed Ma Chao, one achievement in Huang Zhong Li, but Be compared to kill a black Huan person, make him excited more.
The Gu Xu smiles to sing of say:"You trust, this time kill in the past, will make you kill one happy.We this all the way kill in the past, was to cast into a blood road, using blood cushion was a blood road, let the different clan of beyond the frontier know to make my big fellow blood debt blood Chang, let them remembered forever to teach this time."
Take charge of Ma Yi and method after being listenning to, respectfully rise to respect.
Seem, 2 people understood the mood of Gu Xu and comprehended that the side fills the common people's persecution.
Ps:Saw next book review area, someone said the small east is very crazy, without cause two more.I mean to say my bitterness, the sniper wants to end, the new book slowly didn't make sure and made headache, even exhausted.I once said, the sniper ended to immediately deliver a new book, but the new book falls behind and hasn't worked out a new book and cans not does it the be over of sniper to deliver a new book, so just have two more.Small east have no wild viewpoint, also have no not the trustworthiness is really an energy not help, please everyone's understanding.

Volume 16 contends for the world chapter 1264 Shu soldier into county in the wild goose door
The fragrance of books house renews time:2012-5-221:22:18 chapter word numbers:3020

Luo sun has already become the national capital of Shu country here.Distance Yu, plentiful farmland, Xun You, Li Ru et als all have already arrived Luo sun, transact in the Luo sun and maintain the operation of Shu country.Zhang Liao and huge all, too history Ci, sweet rather, Huang Xu go up north all the way and day and night walk faster and finally arrived Luo sun.
The battalion stations outside the city, huge all, Zhang Liao and sweet rather go to Luo of sun.
3 people are in the city Xie a night, then leave Luo sun, lead a soldier to go to go toward cool state, however troops in many one person.
This person woulds be Li Ru.
Distance Yu, plentiful farmland, Xun You, term Anne et al send Li Ru to join a soldier after cautiously negotiating and help sweet rather and Zhang Liao.Because Li Ru ever nearby worked at Dong Zhuo, cool had certain person's vein in the west, there is also certain prestige.
100,000 battalions leave Luo sun, the dynasty cool state rushes to go and makes frontal attack The Huns.
After the night, the battalion Anne's camp ties Zhai.
Medium the soldier is inside the big debt, huge all, Zhang Liao, Li Ru, sweet rather and too history Ci and Huang Xu is opposite but sit, six people discuss to connect down should to the strategy of The Huns.
Is sweet to rather see toward Li Ru, ask a way:"Mr. Li, what viewpoint do you have?"
Li Ru sinks a track:"Want to explain 1:00 first, although our battalion numbers is many,do not gain advantage most ."
"The battalion of his majesty is heavy to ride a soldier and heavy infantry with go, there is also one part of hussars, there are 7,000 hussars in Zhao Yun's soldier, too with go.Look back us, 100,000 battalions Be almost whole to is an infantry, ride a soldier to almost have no.Even if immediately adjust to gather to fight a horse, the set sets up to ride a soldier, also the soldier in the hard assurance soldier can adapt to ride to shoot, we are weakest."
"Saying this time words is the weakness that wants to see clear us."
"The The Huns is life's person on the horseback, whole is a hussar, be good at riding to shoot, also hard deal with.Engage with The Huns, I think to choose that the geography has to cogitate, avert from an open spaces and spacious place as far as possible and weaken the advantage of riding the soldier.On this foundation, lure The Huns person active attack, we wait for an opportunity again to annihilate The Huns battalion."
Li Ru sinks a track:"1:00 of most is ability not with F of short offend that of long, otherwise necessarily hurt."
Is huge all point nod, deeply agree of say:"The text has the initiative to living speech, it has a reason, the this service and The Huns person engages, have to suppress the advantage that the The Huns rides a soldier,cnn, so as to win victory."
Too history Ci and Zhang Liao also follows speech, unanimously thinks the strength that to develop a battalion and suppresses the strength of The Huns.
All people all very awake, have no anxious and fretful urgent emotion, also have no loudly Rang Rang write immediately engage with The Huns.Zhang Liao, Li Ru, huge generally negotiate this time, settle next the policy of the battalion, be advantageous to more to defeat The Huns.
County in the wild goose door, the county city inside is already that the one is in total disorder.
The county that is fresh vulgar to offend to break a wild goose door, step degree root and Ke than ability and vegetable the interest rate soldier is in the city big four rob.The man in the city is almost all killed, leaves woman and kid, adult, can see spot spot blood stain everywhere.
District magistrate mansion, in the hall.
Step degree root and Ke than ability and vegetable the benefit is drinking alcohol to have a good time, there are still more than ten women being dancing in the hall.If cautiously conjecture some kind of, can see dance of have scar in the woman body, hang a spot spot on the face tear stain, be all forced.But they don't dare method anti-, once resisting is dead.
The step degree root, vegetable benefit and Ke compare an ability body side, all have shape flirtatious woman, in the hall of will get is also playing joy.
The food and woman is a fresh vulgar biggest interest for person.
The step degree root stretches out a bulky fatty thick palm and cover chemisette soft breasts by the side of the body up, put out strength crumpling of son to hold.Because the strength on the palm is very big, even make the woman all wrinkle up eyebrows, peep out a painful facial expression on the face.Woman's seeming to be frightened is killed, have been enduring a head and dare not utter a word.
"Is vulgar!!"
When step degree root dissatisfied foot present condition, stubbornly chase the clothes that the claw son goes deep into woman inside, crumple to hold that delicate white such as the soft breasts of jade, the Ke peeps out to disdain than the ability Pie Pie mouth of facial expression.
Step degree root once the facial expression sink and draw out a hand and looking at a Ke ratio ability chillily.
And step the degree root is similar, Ke than can equally be playing with a woman.
However, Ke than ability but have no so directly, took the finger of cocoon son to lightly once row the face of woman, the index finger lifted the next Han of woman, then held the chin of woman and drag along a body side, gather together up to deeply absorb tone.Seem is smelling the aroma on the woman body, then deeply drunk at in.
The Ke ratio can stretch out a tongue again, on the face of woman lick for a while, say:"The so delicate slippery face is really Hahn people's woman to only just have, would be so young and delicate."
The woman is canned frighten not to dare to move by the Ke ratio, the cheek is stiff, like one to carve.
"Do not understand romantic feeling!"
Ke the ratio can sneer at a step degree root after, vegetable the benefit start sneering at a Ke ratio again ability.
And step degree root and Ke the taller and big in stature than the ability's shape is different, vegetable the benefit outlooking is lean, like a text if scholar.He stretch out slender high right hand and lightly daut the waist of sum woman, is like the sort of Nao Yang light and gentle and soft.He gathers together side in the ear of woman and lightly blows hot air, woman cheek abashed red, ear hair hot, spread all over 1 F on the neck red and dizzy.
Obviously, the means of vegetable benefit is still better.

